The total transaction volume of decentralized applications (dApp) with native tokens of the nine leading blockchains increased by 58.5 % last year. As stated by crypto portal in a new report, this volume reached $ 10 billion in 2019.
The highly-anticipated “2019 Annual Dapp Market Report” is finally here.
Check out to learn insights on dapp market, a summary of decentralized applications that are built on #Ethereum, #EOS, #TRON, #Steem, #IOST, and #Neo, major events, and much more ⬇️
— (@dapp_com) January 20, 2020
The number of active dApps users has almost doubled – from 1.49 million people in 2018 to 3.12 million in 2019. At the same time, 2.77 million active users interacted with dApp for the first time. Only 348 thousand old users in 2019 remained active.
The largest increase in users occurred among financial applications – their user base grew by 610%. At the same time, and volume reached more than 250 %. Gambling apps also experienced a tangible increase with a user base that reached almost 400 %.
In 2019, about 1,500 new applications were launched. Most projects are launched on the Ethereum blockchain (690 apps). TRON blockchain led by Justin Sun followed Ethereum with the amount of 411 apps. Moreover, active dApps based on the Ethereum network were almost three times higher than the same indicator for TRON apps. Note, that only 199 out of 1,468 applications launched in 2018 remained alive by the end of 2019.
The total volume of transactions in dApp on this blockchain reached almost $ 5 billion. EOS apps had the most active user base among analyzed blockchain platforms. As the report states, 479 of 493 apps remained alive only.
The apps from the gambling niche were the most popular among developers in 2019. This category accounted for 493 new applications. This is the only category of apps whose total user base has exceeded 1 million people.
Among developers that were into gaming, Ethereum remains the preferred blockchain. More than 200 thousand people played dApp based on Ethereum, which is twice as much as EOS and TRON in 2019. At the same time, more than half of the Ethereum user base was interested in decentralized finance (DeFi). Two-thirds of the total volume of all transactions accounted for financial and decentralized services.
Recall that Tron managed to temporarily take first place in dApp transaction volumes in July 2019. Despite the fact that Tron entered the gaming dApp space only a year ago, it surpassed ETH in terms of volume. At the same time, the number of active dApps on the ETH blockchain still exceeds their number on the Tron blockchain.
Also, Tron recently surpassed EOS in terms of dapp number for the first time.