As cryptocurrency enthusiasts put their hands in Akimbo to know the faith of Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency seems to be gaining PR from bigwigs across the financial sector and government leaders.
One is the statement of recognition was made about Bitcoin by the US President Donald Trump. Afterward, different personalities are voicing out their beliefs about Bitcoin, with country leaders standing for or against. Also, the US Senate is seeking to know more about Facebook’s Libra.
However, the US House of Representatives Minorty Leader, Kevin McCarthy, has raised concerns over Facebook’s Libra, saying Bitcoin is decentralized but the Facebook’s digital currency is not.
The GOP leader said he likes Bitcoin, especially its decentralised nature and security.
In his conversation with CNBC, Kevin said he adores the security of blockchain ledger technology behind cryptocurrencies.
The Republican condemned Facebook’s Libra, popular referred to as GlobalCoin before the beginning of a conversation slated to hold today between Head of Facebook’s Calibra and the US Senate.
The Californian Republican sees Bitcoin as a currency free from the control of anybody. While recognising that Bitcoin has a long way to go, the Representative alleged Facebook of selling data to earn money.
“They’re not Bitcoin, in this Libra, They’re not decentralized,” he continued.
“I want to see decentralization because Libra concerns me that they’re going to control the market.”
At the moment, David Marcus is receiving series of questioning from the US Senators, whom many understand do not have dip knowledge of Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency space at all.
Analysts and experts have suggested that the house seek the expertise of those who know much about cryptocurrency to give the industry a warm reception, and not kill a technological innovation as big as Bitcoin and Facebook’s Libra.